Saturday, 1 August 2015

Moving house

Apologies for the lack of posts over the past few weeks but I have been extremely busy with moving house and trying to downsize into a property with half the space.  Packing up Rosedene Gardens involved hiring a skip for the 18 years worth of rubbish and junk that we had accumulated, driving to the local Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) on at least ten occasions, numerous visits to local charity shops plus charity vans collecting the larger pieces of furniture from the house.  All the forward planning did mean that we were able to fit all our belongings, albeit in quite a cramped way, into the new house.  The actual moving day was fine with some sunshine, brilliant compared to the following day when it poured with rain from sun up to sun down.

We are settling in and as I type this most of the boxes have been emptied and most things found.  Still further trips to the dump and charity shops as we all realise that some of what we moved is still superfluous to requirements and not needed.  I am in the smallest bedroom which I am finding quite cosy and certainly a lot bigger than the accomodation I will have on the boat when I will probably be hot bunking and sharing a bed while we are racing.  A good idea to downsize early I say to myself.

The one downside is the lack of an Internet connection.  I didn't get my act together soon enough and by the time it was all organised BT told me I had to wait until the 4th of August for broadband to be installed.  Oh, how reliant I had become.  I have had to start using my iPad, an experience in itself, in order to try and keep up to date with the rest of my world, so I am currently sitting down at the sailing club watching the Saturday racing as I type this.  Racing has now finished so I am watching the boats being put away.  It is a good opportunity to test out this iPad before I go away as this will be the way I communicate with the outside world while I am in foreign parts.

It is time to end this but I will hopefully be able to keep up to date with my posts once internet is installed on Tuesday.


  1. My favourite iPad app is iBooks but doesn't sound as if you'll have much time to read! Glad to hear the move went OK.

  2. It's interesting that you actually found things that you don't need after you moved. I find that most of the time when I am moving, I don't have enough space for all the items that I feel are a part of my lifestyle. I suppose sometimes people adjust rather quickly to a new way of living and then they don't need the items that they had before.

    Robyn Harmon @ Hills Moving
